Best Practice with ITIL


I'm just learning about the IT Service Management Forum, which is the host for ITIL or IT Infrastructure Library. I suppose if I'd been covering IT in the UK, I'd know more about ITIL, but it's a fairly new phenomenon in the US. Why is ITIL important to a Web site that focuses on practical information about IT outsourcing? As Steve Bittinger, Gartner Research Director, is quoted as saying in an InfoWorld article on the topic: "ITIL provides a common language so you can work more effectively with your outsourcers for end-to-end service delivery."

Here's an introductory text about ITIL, available directly from the Forum. As the PDF explains, "ITIL provides 'best practice' guidelines and architectures to ensure that IT processes are closely aligned to business processes and that IT delivers the correct and appropriate business solutions. ITIL is not a standard, nor is it rules or regulations and therefore neither tools, processes or people can be deemed 'ITIL compliant.'"