By 2015, 30% of IT Will Be Delivered out of “Emerging Markets”


    Gartner has just published a report on the “Hottest IT Topics & Trends,” which lists “global sourcing” at number 5 (following open source, voice/data convergence, service-oriented architecture and IT utility). The full report costs $495, and I’m sure it’s full of useful insights. But here’s the rundown from the press release about it:

    Global sourcing is an irreversible trend in delivery models, not a cyclical shift. Its potential benefits and risks require enterprise leaders to examine what roles and functions in a given business model can be delivered or distributed remotely, whether from nearby or across the globe. The political, economic and social ramifications of increased global sourcing will be enormous.

    By 2015, 30 percent of traditional professional IT services jobs will be delivered by people based in emerging markets. India will continue to play a significant role, but by 2008, the most likely sources of additional labor will include China, Russia and Brazil. Labor rates for application services in India will rise 40-to-60 percent by 2008 from the levels of 2004.

    You can learn more about this report here: