Fraud in India


    A UK news program is causing quite a ruckus for NASSCOM, the trade group of the Indian outsourcing industry. Apparently, the broadcast, which aired yesterday, shows how journalists were able to infiltrate “criminal networks which trade British consumers’ bank and other confidential information for huge profits in India, the world’s call-center capital” (as quoted by the NY Times). The reporters apparently bought a bunch of private information (credit cards, driving licences and passports) that presumably originated in Indian call centers. Not nice for business.

    NASSCOM is always on the lookout for anything that’ll tarnish the reputation of the industry it represents, so it’s not taking the charges lightly. According to this article on Business Standard’s site, the organization is doing everything it can to verify the accuracy of the report — to the point of sending legal notices to the broadcast company (as asserted in this report in The Indian Express). Channel 4, for its part, has turned down the request for more information.

    Personally, I can’t wait for the broadcast to show up on You Tube so I can see just what the fuss is about.