SIIA Survey Report


    In the February 1, 2007, issue of Software Development Times (SD Times), David worthington summarizes a recent survey conducted by the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) in partnership with Symphony Services, a "purveyor of outsourcing services." The survey report (GBL-06, available to SIIA members for $395), is based on 114 respondents. What I found most interesting in Worthington’s writeup was a short paragraph where he said:

    "Companies that send development offshore have not coalesced onto a single business model that achieves optimum results. Approximately half the businesses surveyed work directly with an offshore provider, a third operate a subsidiary, and the remainder employ a hybrid model."

    You can read the rest of Worthington’s article on page 10 of

    You can order the survey report at

    SIIA has an upcoming globalization webcast, "QA Offshoring – It’s not about Testing," scheduled for March 21 (9:30-10:30 a.m. Pacific, $89 for non-SIIA folks) that may be of interest to some of you.