Lack of urgency: Common complaint about offshore engineers


    One of the common complaints we hear from companies that outsource to offshore locations is that the offshore engineers lack the sense of urgency to get things done. This is a valid concern, but many companies don’t analyze the reasons for the lack of urgency in the offshore engineers. One common reason for the lack of urgency is this: Offshore engineers don’t understand the business criticality and urgency of the project they are working on. This reduces their sense of urgency.

    Here are some of the other reasons to consider:

    • Offshore engineers might not have all the information to make project-related decisions and move the project forward. This might be misinterpreted as lack of urgency.

    • Offshore engineers might genuinely lack the skill sets for the project. This increases the time they need to spend on various tasks involved in the project.

    • Offshore engineers’ priority of tasks is not aligned to the project priorities set by the project owners from the customer.

    • Offshore engineers lack the motivation to work on the project as it was forced upon them without their consent on timeline and deliverables.