Ease of Implementation Vs Payoffs in Lean Improvement


    The funny thing about Process Improvement, whether Six Sigma or Lean, is that not all Process Improvement efforts are equal to others.

    Some are "More Equal" than others!

    Efforts needed for different Process Improvement ideas may not be linearly proportional to their payoffs. Before jumping into Kaizen activities, it may be worthwhile to prioritize efforts with respect to effort needed vs payoffs.

    Sometimes a simple, almost "effortless" improvement effort may lead to a disproportionate payoff while a very expensive improvement may result in a not so impressive payoff.

    In processes, especially when it involves the public, delays in service cause more dissatisfaction than the actual services themselves. Everyone hates waiting. In as much as waiting can be eliminated in business processes, customer satisfaction metric registers increases.

    Analysis and eliminating delays in business processes, invariably leads to better service and disproportionate payoffs. Funny thing is that some of these payoffs show up as better word-of-mouth recommendations and additional business; something not immediately recognizable and acknowledgeable.

    However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results – Winston Churchill