US National Holidays for 2007


    Last week, I provided a list of popular India holidays for 2007. This week I’m providing a list of popular American holidays for 2007. Not all companies or organizations celebrate each of these days by giving workers the day off, but almost all recognize some variation.

     Date  Day  Name of Holiday Set Date 
     Jan. 1, 2007  Monday  New Year’s Day  Jan. 1
     Jan. 15, 2007  Monday  Martin Luther King’s birthday  3rd Mon. in Jan.
     Feb. 19, 2007  Monday   Washington’s birthday  3rd Mon. in Feb.
     May 28, 2007  Monday  Memorial Day  Last Mon. in May
     July 4, 2007 Wednesday   Independence Day  July 4
     Sep. 3, 2007  Monday  Labor Day  1st Mon. in Sep.
     Oct. 8, 2007  Monday   Columbus Day  2nd Mon. in Oct.
     Nov. 11, 2007  Monday   Veterans Day*  Nov. 11
     Nov. 22, 2007  Thursday  Thanksgiving  4th Thur. in Nov.
     Nov. 23, 2007  Friday  Day after Thanksgiving  
     Dec. 24, 2007  Monday  Christmas Eve  Dec. 24
     Dec. 25, 2007  Tuesday  Christmas  Dec. 25

    * Falls on Sunday; celebrated on Monday