An Agenda for Operational Meetings between Client and Service Provider


    RedNova hosts an article that has a bit of value in it. "Managing the Outsourcing Relationship: A Step by Step Guide," written by Amy L. Girst and Robert J. Schleyer of Wexford Partners, provides some fairly generic information about how to stay on top of the arrangement between client and service provider. You've read it before in other places.

    But where it really shines, I think, is in the agenda it provides for "operational and tactical" meetings that should be held between buyer and provider representatives weekly:

    • Performance metrics and issues;
    • Provider issues;
    • Buyer issues;
    • Upcoming changes in service;
    • Upcoming changes in buyer needs;
    • Improvement recommendations;
    • Strategic and major operating plans;
    • Relationship issues;
    • Major operating issues and changes;
    • Major personnel issues;
    • Unsatisfactory performance metrics and issues;
    • Contract issues.