2007 Holidays in the Philippines


    Today, I’m going to share the holiday roster for the Philippines, supplied by my long-distance friend Loudel Dario, who runs DataProcess Outsourcing in Quezon City.

     2007 Holidays for the Philippines
     Date  Day  Name of the Occasion
     1/1/2007  Monday  New Year’s Day
     4/5/2007  Thursday  Holy Thursday
     4/6/2007  Friday  Good Friday
     4/9/2007  Monday  Bravery Day
     5/1/2007  Tuesday  Labor Day
     6/12/2007  Tuesday  Independence Day
     8/27/2007  Monday  National Heroes’ Day
     11/1/2007  Thursday  All Saint’s Day
     11/30/2007  Friday  Bonifacio Day
     12/25/2007  Tuesday  Christmas
     12/30/2007  Sunday  Rizal Day
     12/31/2007  Monday  Special holiday
    She added this note to her list: "Perhaps it would be good to note that December in the Philippines is very festive — Christmas parties everywhere.  So, for a leisure trip, Christmas is a good time. For a business trip, not a good time as most everyone is partying. Hardly anything gets done. :-)"