India-based Attrition Rates as High as 60%


    Attrition rates in voice-based BPO service providers in India are as high as 60%, according to this blog post on Zinnov Research and Consulting’s site.

    Blogger Kirti Saboo says attrition even in the largest 10 BPO vendors tops 40% (but notes that the NASSCOM Strategic Review 2005 puts the rate between 25% and 40%).

    The reasons cited for high attrition?

    • HR challenges
    • The industry is looked at as a stop-gap arrangement by youngsters
    • Career path not well defined and not strong
    • Lifestyle issues
    • Lack of bonding with peers and the organization
    • Perception-based problem
    • Unorganized BPO labor market

    I’ll let you click over to read the recommendations the author provides to address the problem.