External Risk Assessment


    According to a book review on the EDS site, a new A.T. Kearney book urges CEOs to prepare for a world of risk and rapid change. In his World Out Of Balance, author Paul Laudicina, VP and managing director of A.T. Kearney's Global Business Policy Council (which, among other things, has developed an Offshoring Location Attractiveness Index comparing 25 offshoring destinations), urges executives to blend risk management and scenario planning with global business strategy to help understand and manage external risk and uncertainty. You can read the EDS review of the $27.95 book at http://www.eds.com/news/news.aspx?news_id=2202, and can learn more at the A.T. Kearney website at http://www.atkearney.com/main.taf?p=5,2,1,59

    You can also read a 32-page PDF with front matter and 20-page excerpt from the introductory chapter at http://www.atkearney.com/shared_res/pdf/WOOB_S.pdf.

    Here's more about Paul Laudicina:

    Prior to joining A.T. Kearney, Mr. Laudicina was Vice President of SRI International (the former Stanford Research Institute) and founder of its Policy Division. Previous positions held by Mr. Laudicina also include: Legislative Director in the United States Senate; Director of pre-investment studies for Mobil Corporation; Associate Fellow of the Overseas Development Council; and research associate for the United Nations’ Center for Economic and Social Information.

    Mr. Laudicina was appointed by the President of the United States to the Board of Directors of the Western Newly Independent States Enterprise Fund. He is a Trustee of the Board of the Committee for Economic Development, a Principal of the Council on Excellence in Government, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Mr. Laudicina is also a member of the Confederation of Indian Industry/World Economic Forum Advisory Council, the Advisory Committee of the Center for Strategic and International Studies Seven Revolutions Initiative, the Board of Advisors of the Latin American Advisor, and a member of the Academy of Political Science, and the American Economic Association.