Start-Up Tools (aka My Favourite Tech Blog)


    Start-up costs are tumbling down these days (Yes… it has almost become a cliche these days!). Some of the reasons are – Open Source, Offshoring, Online Marketing, Cheap Hardware.

    All that is fine, but how does a person actually get to these resources and see what is the most cost-effective way of ploughing ahead with her/his ideas? My recent discovery as an answer to this question is the “now famous” tech blog –

    Apparently, there are so many start-ups out there providing services that could, in turn, help other start-ups cut down their initial expenditure significantly. Recently reported start-ups were – Amberjack and Weebly. Amberjack helps you build a “site tour” for first time visitors pretty easily. Weebly helps you in creating Web 2.0 ready sites.  I will personally give these sites a try and see if it helps in my attempt moving forward with Alef’s product development. Till then, I strongly recommend subscribing to TechCrunch’s feeds. You never know what start-ups are out there that are providing exactly what you need to get moving!